Wednesday, October 26

Getting It

Andrew Anderson blogs on Web 2.0, and suggests what the term really means is if the developer "gets it". He gives the example of Flickr as an application that "gets it".
I think there are 3 factors for an application that "gets it".
  • Is it easy to get started with (Flickr does not have a complex account creation process)?
  • Does it reflect how people do things in the real world, rather than try and change them into your way of working (Flickr reflects peoples desire to share photos)?
  • Does it make people more efficient in the way they do things (Flickr allows photos to be tagged, so they can be searched easily).


Anonymous said...

I still maintain that despite the web 2.0 hype, manual tagging is a fundamentally unnatural process, and I'm skeptical that it will ever go mainstream.

Richard Jonas said...

I agree it probably doesn't reflect how people do things currently. In the physical world, I would probably bookmark pages in physical photo albums. Maybe it would be better to reflect this and start with a "bookmark page" facility (rather than image tags), and then use technology to make you more efficient by making it searchable.

However, I'm sure in 10-20 years time, image recognition technology will have advanced to the point where you could have a picture and from that automatically recognise who is in it and index it.